Saturday, October 9, 2010

CQ TeaCup Challenge

My last blog was about 2 months ago! Where does the time go? Well, into the past I guess. That's the only place it can go! I decided to make a post today because I want to keep this going. I don't want it to become one of my projects that slowly fades off in the sunset.

Where have I been? Well, just busy to say the least. Having "issues" at work. Trusting God to work it out. It must be another exercise in faith. Honestly my time is so consumed between work and college that I am feeling that I've lost a lot of my connectivity to nature and my creative self. Praying on how to remedy all this.

I was able to complete a CQ block over the summer and I'll post some pictures of it here. It was a CQ challenge and contest presented by Nickilee on the HGTV boards. The kit we received contained the teacup, two charms, two pieces of fabric, and a beautiful piece of lace. The challenge was to use them all in the block in any way we chose. My theme was A Cup of Tea in an Oriental Garden. This was my first completed CQ project and I was pleased with it. I say "completed," but there are a few things I would still like to eventually add to it. It will be a wallhanging when completed. Not sure how to re-order the pictures. They're not in the order I wanted. Can anyone tell me how?

Well, I can't put off the homework for my college classes any longer. I have two huge assignments due soon, so off I go!


  1. Very pretty block. I especially love the beads you added to the lace and the fish. Great job! Good luck studying.

  2. Thank you, Dee! I had fun making this block.
    I couldn't get to your blog for some reason.

    and thanks for the good wishes for my studies. .

  3. Very pretty block, Karen! The seam embellishment stitches you used compliment the theme very nicely. It will make a lovely wall hanging when you finish.

    Moving pictures around isn't too difficult once you get the hang of it. I do it by clicking on the HTML tab on the upper right of the posting box. That lets you view and edit code. You don't have to know code to do it.

    Each picture will start and end with a tag. The opening tag will have a left-pointing arrow, then the letter "a" and then a right-pointing arrow. Then there will be a long description (several lines) of the picture file, which will include the name or number of the picture as you uploaded it. At the end you'll see the closing tag: a left-pointing arrow, then a back slash, the letter "a" and a right-pointing arrow. All of that is the code for one picture.

    To move a picture, highlight the entire code, including the opening and closing tags, and copy it. Then find where you want the picture to be (still working in the HTML view) and click there. Then paste. Now return to the originally highlighted code and delete it.

    Maybe this sounds a bit difficult, and it might be at first, but after a few times it's easy and often well worth the effort.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!
