In the meantime, I've been trying diligently to finish a CQ choker for my niecy in time for Christmas and am quite please with how it's turning out. I'll post some pictures and then it's off to bed for moi. The first picture is of the "naked" choker. Then, a few of how it looks so far. Do you ever have something that turns out even better than you imagined it in your mind? Then, you know what a fantastic feeling that is. I still have quite a bit to go on it.
Niecy is 16 and into the Vampire stuff. She has actually written a book and has an entire series planned. "The Rose Series", hence the roses on her choker and the colors, red, black, and gold.
The red velvet patch is actually a deep red wine color |
So, here's a peek of the beginning and a few of how it looks so far.
These are some close ups with some embroidery added. Silk ribbon roses and velvet ribbon trellis |
*imperfect* button hole wheels with garnet beads. Hand painted heart bead with bullion roses. Palestrine stitch on far right |
Black lace beaded and black velvet ribbon outline. (needs a few more beads) |
outline stitch in black velvet ribbon |
More beading needed on this |
A section that needs a little more work, but coming along!! |
Thanks for looking. Please comment or leave suggestions, critques. . . all are welcome.
Love, Peace, and Happy stitching!